Verification of Diplomates of the American Board of Sleep Medicine

Individuals who completed the required training and experience and successfully passed the certification examinations administered by the American Board of Sleep Medicine are referred to as Diplomates of the American Board of Sleep Medicine. This site is for verification purposes only. If you are searching for a doctor in your area please visit

PRIMARY SOURCE VERIFICATION STATEMENT: The data contained in this Web site is provided by and controlled entirely by the American Board of Sleep Medicine; therefore, information included on this Web site constitutes primary source verification. The information provided through this Web site is current and is all that is available in the ABSM database.

Please note that all certifications from the American Board of Sleep Medicine are lifetime, meaning that they do not expire.

Doctors certified in sleep medicine during or after 2007 were not certified by the ABSM. For confirmation of these certifications please contact the board under which the doctor was certified.

View All Diplomates by Last Name

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


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Please note that the information contained on this page is the information supplied by the candidates at the time the candidates’ applications were submitted.

The ABSM grants permission to copy the information provided on this part of its Web site for the limited purpose of maintaining a record of physician credentials or for the evaluation of physician qualifications. Other uses of this information, such as mailing lists, are prohibited.

Except as provided above, no part of this work may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system electronically, mechanically, or by photocopying, recording or in any other manner, without the express written consent of the American Board of Sleep Medicine.

** The ABSM is not affiliated with the American Board of Medical Specialties.

Written and Verbal Verification

To receive verbal verification of certification, please contact the American Board of Sleep Medicine at (630) 737-9701. 

The American Board of Sleep Medicine provides written verification of certification. For written verification of certification, please contact the American Board of Sleep Medicine:

American Board of Sleep Medicine
2510 North Frontage Road
Darien, IL 60561
Phone: (630) 737-9701
Fax: (630) 737-9790

Total Number of Diplomates

Year Individuals
Diplomate Total ^
1978 21 21
1979 7 28
1980 16 44
1981 8 52
1982 14 66
1983 13 79
1984 20 99
1985 24 123
1986 41 164
1987 40 204
1988 54 258
1989 101 359
1990 73 432
1991* 82 514
1992 79 593
1993 55 648
1994 68 716
1995 85 801
1996 87 888
1997 145 1,033
1998 153 1,186
1999 160 1,346
2000 172 1,518
2001 199 1,721
2002 229 1,946
2003 379 2,325
2004 303 2,628
2005 621 3,249
2006 196 3,445

^ Cumulative Total of Diplomates includes both those individuals living and deceased.
*The ABSM became incorporated in 1991.

Duplicate Certificates

A duplicate certificate can be obtained from the American Board of Sleep Medicine for $25 per certificate. Please click on the link below to request a certificate.

American Board of Sleep Medicine
2510 North Frontage Road
Darien, IL 60561